Interview with Gary welsh, one of the artists for Saltire: Invasion
Q. You are the artistic team behind the new graphic novel, Saltire – Invasion, tell us a bit about yourselves and how you became involved in the project.
Gary: I've been a comics fan since I was little and have always drawn superheroes in my spare time. I'm studying animation at Dundee University now but I've always had it in mind to get some comic work published down the line. This competition really appealed to me so I put together some character designs and a sample page and here I am!
Q. What art and artists influence your work?
Gary: Lot's of comics artists obviously. I really like Mark Bagley and John Romita. Those guys are great technical storytellers. I loved Jim Lee's style when I was younger, then Joe Madureira became a favourite when he brought that anime influenced style to X-Men comics. I'm a big fan of both John Buscema and Cary Nords work on Conan. Outside of comics I like the work of Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta and I find that the work of favourite directors has an influence on me as well, particularly Ridley Scott. His films always look amazing. Also Sergio Leone, The Coen brothers and the Wachowskis. Lots of influences really!
Q. Why does Scotland need its own superhero? Is this just propaganda for the independence campaign?
Gary: It's not propaganda but it's a good time for it commercially because obviously there will be a lot of attention on Scotland next year. But, probably more importantly, I don't see why Scotland shouldn't have its own superhero. It's a rich culture with a lot to offer, there hasn't really been a popular Scottish hero before and in this particular world that’s been created there's opportunity to delve into Scottish myths and legends and tell great stories.
Q. What comics and superheroes inspire you? Are you readers yourselves?
Gary: Spider-Man. The first superhero comics I read were Spider-Man ones. I loved the character of Peter Parker and how he was always doing the right thing even at the expense of his own personal life. I think it's what makes him great as a character. When you are growing up and going through all that same stuff at school, it's really relatable. In general I pretty much love anything that has great moments of selflessness and heroic sacrifice. I think superhero comics can have really great, important messages about being a good human being.
Q. What is different about Saltire from all the other superhero comics out there?
Gary: I think he is quite original! He is immortal and can be summoned in times of need to protect Scotland throughout history. I think that opens the door to a lot of interesting potential stories. I'd love to see some far future sci-fi story featuring Saltire.
Q. Explain Saltire to a group of young American tourists visiting Loch Ness.
Gary: I'd just tell them he is a Scottish superhero and that he could take Superman or the Hulk in a square go. They'd be rushing to get a copy. After I explain what a square go is, obviously.
Q. Does Saltire have any weaknesses? What’s his kryptonite?
Gary: He does but I'm not sure if it's ok to reveal that just now. So I won't
Q. Does he have a love interest or is it a boys own adventure story?
Gary: He has a love interest but she is trapped in the ethereal world. No idea how that is all going to play out but it's set up in Invasion.
Q. Is Saltire a lone wolf or does he have a Robin to his Batman?
Gary: As far as I know he is a lone wolf but has his faithful group of guardians to back him up if things get crazy.
Q. Where exactly does Saltire live? Semi-detached in Easterhouse doesn’t seem appropriate to a superhero.
Gary: The hearts and minds of the people of Scotland.
Q. Tell your potential readership why they should buy “Saltire – Invasion” ahead of “50 Shades of Grey”.
Gary: Because Saltire is filled to the brim with great art, story, an exciting new character and the chance to get in on the ground floor of something huge. I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey, it might have all of those things as well, but I am biased towards Saltire, so...
Q. If you could create the ultimate Saltire story involving any other superhero characters, who would be involved and why?
Gary: I think it would be great to see him team up with Captain Britain or maybe through the mythology ties some sort of crossover with Thor. Or I just thought of the greatest idea. Saltire/Spider-Man 2099 crossover! Yeah gimme that one.
Interview with Gary Welsh. Saltire: Invasion is due out October 2013.
Saltire: Invasion, a full-colour work, is published by Diamondsteel Comics and will launch at the annual Dundee Comics Day, part of the Dundee Literary Festival, at the end of October. You can find out more and follow the creators via the Saltire Facebook page and Twitter.
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