Sunday, 8 September 2013

Interview by Jude Terror.

An interview conducted by Jude Terror at The 

The Outhouse is a great place to promote your independent, crowd-funded, or self-published comic book, provided you can get past our openly hostile forum community and relentless supply of snark. So, when someone from Diamondsteel comicsm creators of Saltire, a new comic book that claims to feature the "first Scottish superhero," showed up on our forums and didn't run away screaming, we knew they had what it takes to get a write up on The Outhouse.

But first, we had to break through the language barrier. Luckily, Ol' Jude Terror speaks a little bit of Scottish, so I sat down with our guest for a short interview:

Th' foremaist scots superhero? Pure? Thare haven't bin ony ithers? Ever? Ye ken comic nerds wull point it oot if ye'r lying.

It's been a talking point already. The Fantastic Four had a non recurring female character called Caledonia who was around in the nineteen seventies. The reason he is referred to as Scotland's first superhero is because he is created in prehistory, and he also protects the whole country.

How did ye guide tae scoop Marc Millar oan this? That mon is slacking.
Both Mark Millar and Grant Morrison have spoken about a Scottish superhero for a long time now but have never realised the idea. I know Grant Morrison worked on Captain Clyde about 30 years ago but he obviously moved into the massive American market.

In th' photie, Saltire appears tae be nude. Is this an erotic comic?
No,it's not erotic at all. There's a cod piece covering his unmentionables. The only thing thats blue about this is the colour of his skin.

What kind o' unique challenges does a scots superhero coupon that, say, a British or American yin doesn't?
Scottish mythology and history is totally different than the rest of the UK. Scottish people are very proud of this but it's not well known because of the London centred UK media. Saltire takes place throughout the history of Scotland and into the future, a future where Scotland may be an independent country.

Will this be distributed in th' US? Howfur wull fowk be able tae buy it?
We'll be creating a sizable initial print run which is for international distribution using our own independent Diamondsteel Comics. We also have significant interest from larger international publishers at the moment.

Will th' comic taste better if allowed tae age fur 12 years in an oak barrel?
Everything does.

You neuk a bunch o' comic readers in an elevator. They're scared o' ye fur ye'v git a muckle great, rid fluff 'n' ye'r sportin' a plaid skirt. Ye hae 30 seconds tae convince thaim tae buy Saltire. Whit dae ye say?
Have you ever wished a superheroic immortal being from the end of the world would turn up in a world of Braveheart meets 300 and go head to head with a variety of empires, invaders and mythological super villains all based on the real history of a certain country. No?! Well that's a knife i keep in my sock and i'm not wearing any pants, your move!

Bagpipes. Whit th' fuck?
Outlawed during the Scottish wars of independence, we like to play the god awful things loudly to distract people from our ginger hair.

Anything else fowk shuid ken aboot saltire?
The first book is called "Saltire - Invasion" and is the first in a series of full colour graphic novels. Saltire is a dark and gritty superhero, far from the comical stereotypes of scottish characters of the recent past.

Cheers for the Q and A. 

Man, it as tough to understand his accent, wasn't it?

More information on the book will be coming this month, and Saltire: Invasion is set to come out in October. We'll keep you updated! Until then, follow Saltire on Facebook here.

The same interview without the fantastic (he nearly got it right!) Scots translation is here:

The first Scottish superhero? Really? There haven't been any others? Ever? You know comic nerds will point it out if you're lying.

It's been a talking point already. The Fantastic Four had a non recurring female character called Caledonia who was around in the nineteen seventies. The reason he is referred to as Scotland's first superhero is because he is created in prehistory, and he also protects the entire country. 

How did you manage to scoop Mark Millar on this? That dude is slacking.
Both Mark Millar and Grant Morrison have spoken about a Scottish superhero for a long time now but have never realised the idea. I know Grant Morrison worked on Captain Clyde about 30 years ago but he obviously moved into the massive American market.

In the image, Saltire appears to be nude. Is this an erotic comic?
No,it's not erotic at all. There's a cod piece covering his unmentionables. The only thing thats blue about this is the colour of his skin.

What kind of unique challenges does a Scottish superhero face that, say, a British or American one doesn't?

Scottish mythology and history is totally different than the rest of the UK. Scottish people are very proud of this but it's not well known because of the London centred UK media. Saltire takes place throughout the history of Scotland and into the future, a future where Scotland may be an independent country.

Will this be distributed in the US? How will people be able to buy it?
We'll be creating a sizable initial print run which is for international distribution using our own independent Diamondsteel Comics. We also have significant interest from larger international publishers at the moment.

Will the comic taste better if allowed to age for 12 years in an oak barrel?

Everything does.

You corner a bunch of comic readers in an elevator. They're scared of you because you've got a massive, red beard and you're wearing a plaid skirt. You have 30 seconds to convince them to buy Saltire. What do you say?
Have you ever wished a superheroic immortal being from the end of the world would turn up in a world of Braveheart meets 300 and go head to head with a variety of empires, invaders and mythological super villains all based on the real history of a certain country. No! Well that's a knife i keep in my sock and i'm not wearing any pants, your move!

Bagpipes. What the fuck?
Outlawed during the Scottish wars of independence, we like to play the god awful things loudly to distract people from our ginger hair.

Anything else people should know about Saltire?
The first book is called "Saltire - Invasion" and is the first in a series of full colour graphic novels. Saltire is a dark and gritty superhero, far from the comical stereotypes of scottish characters of the recent past.

Cheers for the Q and A.

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