Sunday, 10 November 2013

Big Glasgow Comic Page review

"I'm gonnae have you!"

To conclude our trilogy of reviews tonight I'm wrapping it up with number 3!

We are a patriotic lot, us Scottish, rebellious and all about freedom from oppression, everything about our fair land says "stick it to the man!" 
'Saltire' embodies this perfectly, a tale of standing up to invading forces and protecting what you believe in and what is yours!

Good evening true believers!
Assuming you've given the previous reviews of this wee cracker a read, you've probably already made your decision on making this fine specimen your next purchase.
Well just in case, I've come along to put the final nail in the coffin!

Set in a time long since past where mystical creatures and beings of god-like power were common place,
Saltire introduces Scotland's first 'superhero' an immortal, ginger, blue skinned guardian of our fair nation.
Existing to ensure the safety of the people of Scotland and defend their freedom if it is ever threatened. When invading Roman forces set their sights on Scotland's lands, the clans must gather together and summon Saltire to defend the nation and it's people.

Saltire is written and created by John Ferguson who immediately engrosses you in the world that he has created, the scene is set in the first few pages and the lingering threat of a Roman invasion is established, though interestingly there is no sense of threat or fear, only anticipation.
You do get the impression, although the Scottish natives are aware they require their biggest guns, there is no doubt in their minds that Saltire will succeed. A quiet confidence is a hard thing to portray in a comic but here it is done beautifully.
Perhaps it's our stereotypical Scottish "Moan then!" Attitude that's finally found a place in fiction where it belongs, in the muscle bound body of the highland interpretation of Thor mixed with a dash of Captain Planet for good measure.

The art of Tone Julskjaer and Gary Welsh is unique and refreshing, capturing the beauty of the Scottish highlands and adding a mystical, fantasy based edge into the mix.
Panel for panel the layout and detail, especially in the battle scenes, is rich, exciting and almost dream-like.
Saltire himself is depicted as a hulking, ginger force of nature an embodiment of all things Scottish, even his intimidating Roman counterpart looks outclassed in comparison.

After all is said and done the first instalment of Saltire, is a belter, drawing inspiration from our county's culture, legends and beautiful landscapes, it's a fantasy based tale of mythical beings and glorious battles.

Saltire is well worth the purchase and I look forward to seeing more of this one!

Excited about this book, planning to read it, if so what are your thoughts on having a Scottish superhuman? 

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